by Larry Judd
Care Givers
Many members of the congregation have been care givers at one time or another; caring for an ill child, caring for a sick spouse, caring for elderly parents, caring for a sick family member.
Why do we do that? Why become a care giver? Is it always fun cleaning up a mess? Is it enjoyable to feel such helplessness as you see a loved one suffering? Is it enjoyable to be under such stress and burden, as you don’t know exactly what to do? Oh – that terrible feeling with a sick baby, as it cries and can’t tell you what is wrong, what is hurting, but something isn’t right.
The reason we do it is – LOVE!
During Bible times, a shepherd had love and compassion for his sheep. He would search for them if they got lost. He would lead them to pastureland to graze. He would make sure they were at still water for them to drink. He would check their fleece and skin for any injuries. He was a caretaker.
I want us to reflect, be encouraged and uplifted as we realize we have the Great Shepherd, Jesus. What a wonderful caretaker He is!
John 10: 14 - 15 Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me, even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.”
Jesus loves! Jesus cares! Jesus is the Great Physician, the Good Shepherd. He is our example of a true caregiver!